Obama prank gifts
Obama prank gifts

obama prank gifts

obama prank gifts

The trans-Atlantic alliance NATO has formally declared China a strategic threat, but there are also emerging gaps in how various European capitals and Washington want to engage with Beijing.

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But do Washington and Brussels agree on how to deal with Beijing’s growing clout. The war in Ukraine has propelled the United States and Europe closer on a variety of foreign-policy issues. Only FP subscribers can submit questions for FP Live interviews. “I said I think we absolutely need it, we should have it, and if we can, we should have worse,” Trump said of waterboarding last month, criticizing Cruz for being “weak” on torture and calling CIA Director John Brennan “ridiculous.”īrennan said he wouldn’t allow torture, including waterboarding, even if a future president - say, a Commander in Chief Trump - ordered it. That same month, Trump said he would “load up with some bad dudes.” Trump has also promised to bring back torture, though its practice early on at Guantánamo, and at other military prisons and CIA black sites, rocked the Bush administration and severely damaged U.S. President: Don’t shut down Gitmo - expand it, and let’s have some new terrorists there,” Cruz said in late February as Obama made a historic visit to Cuba. Not only have they vowed to keep it open, they’ve promised to expand it. Bernie Sanders say they support - Republican candidates Trump and Texas Sen. While Obama vowed to shutter Guantánamo and recently submitted to Congress a plan to close it - which Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Of course, he said the same thing about Guantánamo, so you have at least another eight years.” Later, he added, “I just got a note from the president saying that if you want another drink, you should order it now because the bar will be closing down. “I don’t go around passing health care, signing executive orders, pardoning turkeys … not closing Guantánamo.” “You don’t see me going around presidentin’ all the time,” Wilmore said at the dinner. His inability to close it - due in large part to congressional opposition - has been a disappointment for many. One of the biggest pledges of the Illinois senator’s 2008 campaign was to close the detention facility, whose extrajudicial limbo, he said, was at odds with American values.

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Presently, 80 detainees remain at Guantánamo, with 29 cleared for transfer to other countries.Īs comedian Larry Wilmore underscored in his several jokes about Guantánamo during his roast, the joke may be on Obama. His House counterpart also passed a version of the bill, extending previous legislative obstacles in order to bar detainee transfers from Guantánamo and the use of any funds to close it until Obama is out of office. McCain vowed on the Senate floor to use the legislation to continue blocking the removal of any detainees to the United States. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, effectively killed any hopes of working with the administration in the last annual defense policy bill under Obama. Obama’s chances of closing Gitmo have gotten a whole lot worse. military detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba - leaving it to whomever follows him into the White House. Because Trump knows a thing or two about running waterfront properties into the ground,” Obama quipped, a reference to Trump’s Atlantic City bankruptcies.īut underlying Obama’s joke is the very real possibility that he will not be able to achieve his campaign promise to close the U.S. “There’s one area where Donald’s experience could be invaluable - and that’s closing Guantánamo. President Barack Obama made Republican front-runner Donald Trump the butt of a few jokes on Saturday at his last White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

Obama prank gifts